As he drums, I discover that I am unable to answer the question. In the space where I am looking for answers, I find more questions, like, “What does it mean to defend?” and “What does it mean to risk everything?”
If I risk everything to defend something, am I not also risking the very thing I claim to defend? Am I mincing words? Is it just semantics? Perhaps it is the word “defend” that bothers me, as I have been, in recent years, so focused on letting go and practicing non-attachment. “Defend” sounds
The question hangs with me through the rest of the day, and on into the next. I begin to see all around me, in this peaceful 40-acre retreat center, how nature’s creatures move quietly through the process of letting go, always on the border of becoming something new, not defending any current forms but spiraling through a constant state of metamorphosis.
Eventually, the following words came through . . .
In this land of the antevasin
In this sacred hollow
In this sacred hollow
Where dreamers walk between the worlds
Where mortars turn to thunder and shrapnel turns to rain
Where pond skaters dance in perfect concentricity
Balanced on the tension between sunlight and water’s deep
Where abundant lilies hang heavy with seed
Their suckling roots digging deep
Where mortars turn to thunder and shrapnel turns to rain
Where pond skaters dance in perfect concentricity
Balanced on the tension between sunlight and water’s deep
Where abundant lilies hang heavy with seed
Their suckling roots digging deep
Into muddy mysteries at water’s edge
Where tadpoles lazily dream their tadpole dreams
Never imagining the wonder of the legs to come
Where bees rise, pollen laden, to carry their treasure
Across the green sea of meadow to foreign shores
Where blossoms morph into berries
Which will fatten Bear for winter
Where leaves, just now,
Where tadpoles lazily dream their tadpole dreams
Never imagining the wonder of the legs to come
Where bees rise, pollen laden, to carry their treasure
Across the green sea of meadow to foreign shores
Where blossoms morph into berries
Which will fatten Bear for winter
Where leaves, just now,
Are trying on their richest gowns
Anticipating their date with Autumn
When they will dance,
Anticipating their date with Autumn
When they will dance,
Giddily and freely,
Into the unknown
The Gatekeeper here,
The Gatekeeper here,
In this land of border dwellers,
Is an ancient Tree Spirit who,
Becomes the bulwark for that which will,
Becomes the bulwark for that which will,
One day soon,
Swallow her
Even now, her piney juices
Even now, her piney juices
Flow freely into alien veins
Berry Vine
Their probing tendrils reach beneath her ancient bark
To harvest her deepest secrets
Berry Vine
Their probing tendrils reach beneath her ancient bark
To harvest her deepest secrets
And make them their own
She is Life swallowed by Life
Life becoming Life
Feeling no fear in her becomingness
Savoring the cool protective verdancy
She is Life swallowed by Life
Life becoming Life
Feeling no fear in her becomingness
Savoring the cool protective verdancy
Of her cocoon
Not knowing, or caring,
If wings are in the offing
It’s not the risk of everything that bothers me
Not knowing, or caring,
If wings are in the offing
It’s not the risk of everything that bothers me
It is the word DEFEND that feels so foreign here
From what is anything to be defended or protected
When nothing is ever lost, but only transformed?
I’d rather ask,
From what is anything to be defended or protected
When nothing is ever lost, but only transformed?
I’d rather ask,
What am I willing to ALLOW at the cost of everything?
What am I willing to risk to dream at the edge of becoming?
An antevasin, a border dweller
Defending nothing, savoring everything
With heart and hands open and ready to release
As I continually wake from one marvelous dream
Into the next
What am I willing to risk to dream at the edge of becoming?
An antevasin, a border dweller
Defending nothing, savoring everything
With heart and hands open and ready to release
As I continually wake from one marvelous dream
Into the next
View a video version of this poem at
Wishing you peace on the journey . . .
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